Monday, September 28, 2009

short n not so sweet...

Whats up yall? A nigga is getting sick. I'm the worse sick person ever. Yall remember when I got laryngitis and got my mommy to come get me? LOL, I'mma try to do better this time if it gets bad... but I'mma try to nip it in the bud. I have no time to be sick. I'm not good at sitting down and just resting. Thats probably why I'm sick in the first place. I don't get to sleep till like 3am... I gots ta do better.

I'm watching Family Guy. I freaking love this show. It took me awhile to get into it. Idk at what point I did... probably the days of skipping school with my boys back when we were kids.. LOL Family Guy is sooooooooo offensive to many groups but its hilarious. I can't help but laugh. Don't judge me. Their humor is so mature. Its a cartoon, but it ain't for kids! But me and my son will watch it together.. lol

Saw the small heartbreaker last night. I was so happy. I love kids. The conversations she has with her mom are the same that I had with mine. She reminds me so much of me when I was 6. Smart as hell, very aware of people's emotions and a free spirit just like her mommy. I love to see them interact. Can't wait to have one of my own.. Not anytime soon tho, I'm wayy to selfish for that.. lol

So there's this white boy in my music class that gives me the eye hard. Idk why he won't just come talk to me. People say that I'm hard to approach. I don't get it. I think I'm pretty open to people, conversation and things of the like.. but maybe not? I've heard I'm intimidating from many people... I get that vibe to. Sorry? LOL

Well, I'm not following the doctors orders by sitting at this computer. The women in my life told me to lay down. I reckon I will. Ugh.

Song of the Day:. "Ego" Beyonce & Kanye


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